Friday 16 September 2011

A Story

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\there once was a boy name Ryan Barret.
He was happy. He had friends. He may not have been popular, but he was liked by all.
Sadly, he was foolish. Like so many before him, he chose to delve into the darker side of life.
He found something worse than he could have imagined.
Not believing it to be true, he told his friends and as a result, he had inadvertently killed every last one of them.
When he learned that one his last remaining friends intended to kill more this way, Ryan made a decision that ended his life.
Adrian had to die. And Adrian did die.
But so did Ryan Barret.
When he met with the monster on the eve of Adrian's death, the monster brought Ryan into his Field and tore his mind asunder, leaving nothing but chunks and shards within Ryan's head... and a message.
He was Ryan no longer. What was once a pseudonym became his identity. He truly was the Glass Man.
The Glass Man wandered for weeks, killing his attackers, real or perceived.
Eventually, he learned of the Sage, Zero, and his own killings. The Glass Man thought he needed redemption, so he set out to kill Zero and those that thought like him.
But the Glass Man's thoughts were not his own. The monster wanted Zero dead, but truly the Glass Man did not.
Aided by a businessman named Manteo and his employee, Alex, the Glass Man eventually found Zero. Before the killing blow was delivered, however, he realized the deception the monster had placed upon his mind, and he let Zero go free. Alex, having lost contact with Manteo, parted ways with the Glass Man. The Glass Man still misses him.
So the Glass Man was alone, and again he wandered.

When the monster tore Ryan asunder, he did not throw away the pieces he had taken. The monster was clever. It knew what could be used. So it made a new mind and, for this new mind, it made a new body. The creature it made was called Ferus.
When Ferus was unleashed from the monster's Field, he began to follow the Glass Man, perhaps out of curiosity, perhaps out of jealousy for his untainted body. Whatever the reason, when the Glass Man was finally alone, Ferus made himself clear to him. And, for reasons the Glass Man could not understand, he was afraid.

The Glass Man fled from Ferus, and during this time he met Rayne and his friend, Lauren. Rayne accepted the Glass Man, but Lauren did not. In the end, Lauren was right, but still the Glass Man stayed with them.

Then one night, the Glass Man dreamed. And in his dream, he met Ferus in the monster's Field. And in this Field, Ferus explained to the Glass Man who they were. Ferus then removed his mask.

Have... have you ever seen a mosaic? Bits and pieces, burned and scarred but seamlessly put together, forming a larger image. An eyebrow from one, a grin from another, a wink from a third.

Indeed, in Ferus's face, the Glass Man found his own.
And much to his chagrin, he also found those of his friends.